Unit Title: Public International Law
Word Count: 2500 Words
The actual word count must appear on the assignment.A bibliography must be included. The bibliography does not form part of the total word count.
Public International Law Assessment – Australia.

Penalties will be imposed for a failure to accurately record the word count on the assignment and for exceeding the word count. Where a student does not accurately record the word count on the assessment cover sheet one mark will be deducted. A further one mark will be deducted for each 100 words which are in excess or under the required word count. Bibliography and footnotes should not be included in the word counts.
Marking Criteria for Assessment of the Assignment:
- Demonstrated ability to answer the question/ topic;
- Critical analysis;
- Evidence in support of argument;
- Structure and organization of answer;
- Quality of language and expression; and
- Referencing, including adherence to the Australian Guide to Legal Citation 4 th ed regarding bibliography, footnoting and other referencing.
You must choose ONLY ONE of the following NINE topics Note that students should NOT research two or more topics if they appear under one Module.
Module 1: Foundations of International Law
1.Critically assess whether the forcible capture of an alleged criminal from an overseas territory is relevant to his or her subsequent prosecution?
2. A State can exercise universal jurisdiction over any crime committed abroad. Assess the validity of this statement.
Module 2: International Conflict and Crimes
3. The decision to use nuclear weapons against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was, and remains controversial. Critically discuss whether the use of nuclear weapons on Japan were lawful under international law at the time and whether the same acts would be lawful under contemporary international law.

4.Many people question whether international law can successfully regulate warfare.Critically assess the ability of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) (or Law of Armed Conflict, as it is also known) to regulate warfare.
5.Assess whether the death penalty has a legitimate place in contemporary international law.
Module 3: International Human Rights Law
6.Critically examine international human rights law as it relates to terrorism. Should the protections under international human rights law be afforded to protect the rights of a suspected terrorist?
7.Critically evaluate whether Australia’s conduct in relation to ‘offshore processing complies with Article 33 of the Refugee Convention?
Public International Law Assessment – Australia.

Module 4: International Law in other Contexts
8.Critically assess the extent to which UNCLOS III has been successful in resolving international disputes regarding the law of the sea?
9.Critically examine how international environmental law impacts on Australia’s economic sovereignty.